Things to do, alone

#alonetime is important. Also, it was not supposed to be the topic of this post but whatever (my wifi was spotty and didn’t save my progress on a LEMON TART recipe so stay posted for that ;)). So I decided to try this blog challenge thing that I found in the wonderful idea library of Pinterest. Yay!

The prompt was “weird things you do while you’re alone” but I’m alone a lot and I find myself pretty normal. So I’ll include “weird” things I do, but really, it’s a list of suggestions for EVERYONE.

Things I Do While Alone/Ideas for People Wanting to Do Something By Themselves

Let’s get started

  • Color. In a coloring book. Very therapeutic
  • READ. This can also boost standardized test scores, expand your vocabulary, help you sounds pretentious, and English teachers will love you.
  • Cook/bake. Also very therapeutic and helps you expand your cooking repertoire. More importantly, food.
  • Cry. Sometimes you reflect on life and cry. Sometimes you just need to cry. Helps get bottled up emotions OUT.
  • Take a shower. Sing in the shower. Great for reflection, vocal work, and characterization (I have memorized many a script for drama in the shower).
  • Clean. Cleaning is important for health reasons, both mental and physical. Just cleaning your room can help you feel refreshed and rest to tackle something else.
  • Exercise. Normally, I run or do planks but whatever exercise is fine. Exercising by yourself makes you focus on your body and how you’re feeling, rather than competing with a friend/friends. Make sure you fuel properly before and afterwards and drink lots of water! 🙂
  • Journal/scrapbook. I find myself doing this more and more. In fact, right now I have three journals. Journaling will help you process thoughts and emotions, plus they’re fun to read later on! Scrapbooking takes a long time and are best for photos, immortalizing trips, and holding artifacts of your past.
  • Go through your wardrobe. Get rid of items you haven’t worn in the past year, that have bad memories associated with them, or that you just don’t like. Then donate to a thrift store, homeless shelter, or consign. This is an opportunity to detox, create room for future purchases, and possibly, earn some cash.
  • Listen to some music. Find some new music. Ya know, you can impress many a person with a diverse and inclusive music taste.
  • Practice a foreign language. You can use an app like Duolingo, but honestly, I practice coming up with questions, writing, and pronunciation without an app. It’s just something I do when I’m bored or running. Learning a second (or third, fourth, etc) language is invaluable and pretty fun. Do it.
  • Sleep. You need time to recover from life, so take an early night or take a nap. Both are highly beneficial and recommended by me.

I hope this list was a little helpful 🙂

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